fredag 19. november 2010


Old, kind, slow and wise
With his two sons on ice
Who loved his sons most of all
But even though they let him fall.
His sons was very sad
‘cause they did something bad
They were so cold and tired
They had a big desire
To get all home safe
But it was too late
Only two went back home
The other one rests his soul.

tirsdag 16. november 2010

sorry m8 !

To the aboriginal people!

 Hey, I’m truly sorry for what we have done in the past. It’s no excuse to do what we did, but we had no choice. I know there is not enough just to say sorry, but I want you to know that I really mean it. If there was a way to get this undone I would, but the only way is to look towards the future and work together as a community. I hope you can forgive us, maybe not now, but someday in the future. The government was wrong and they had no right to do what they did. So one day I hope you can forgive us, I’m truly sorry. Please forgive us so we can make peace between us.
Sorry from A young Australian

fredag 29. oktober 2010

To London!

Day 1

Dear Diary! Today we took the plane to England, London. England is a country in Europe and also a part of The United Kingdom. England’s neighbour countries are Scotland and Wales. We took the plane from Værnes airport in Trondheim. The flight was not so long, because I slept the whole time. By the time we landed, the sun was starting to fade away.

We landed on the John Lennon airport. John Lennon was a writer and singer for the popular band The Beatles, and he wrote songs like “Help!” and “Come Together”. He was born in Liverpool, England, in 1940, but he died in 1980. The Beatles is one of the biggest bands through the times.
 When we got off the plane, we had to take a train from the landing zone to the main airport, to get our luggage. The Airport was huge, and I have never been on such a huge airport. It was amazing, not only big, but a very beautiful airport to. After we had found our luggage we had to find a cab, and of course as you would expect in London, it was very easy to find one. The yellow cab took us to our hotel. We were going to stay on Liverpool Marriott Hotel City Centre and it was a big hotel in the middle of London.
We checked in, found our rooms and went out for a snack.
Mom took me and my brother to a restaurant, while my dad took a walk. He was looking for a place to buy some ticket to the upcoming soccer match, West Ham – Liverpool. England has the biggest soccer league in the world, so it’s a must to see a soccer match when you are visiting England. West Ham is my favourite team, so I was really looking forward to that match. We ordered the famous English breakfast. English breakfast contains of Eggs, Bacon, Potatoes, Toast and beans. This breakfast is served all over the world on hotels and restaurants. The streets of London were very beautiful and the weather was perfect. Mom took me and my brother to the famous London Eye. Dad was standing besides the big Ferris wheel waiting. He had managed to buy two tickets to the soccer match. We took one of the wagons to the top and we had the perfect sight over the big city. The moon shined over London, and it was like a dream.

After the ride, the day first of three days was over. We took a cab back to the hotel, and we got in bed.

Day 2

My mom almost dragged me up from bed this morning. And she had right; we had no time to loose. Today we were going to visit Madame Tussauds museum and, me and dad were going to the soccer match. I couldn’t wait to start moving, but we had to eat breakfast first. After the breakfast we asked one of the staff members when the bus to Madame Tussauds was leaving. He told us that we had about 20 minutes before the bus was leaving. So we walked to the bus stop. The buss was red and it had 2 floors. A typical English bus as the ones you can see in the movies, so we were sitting in the top off this red bus and feeling the cold wind touching our faces.

I had never been to the Madame Tussauds museum before so I was really exited to go to this world famous museum. The reason that this museum is so famous is because Madame Tussaud has made copies of famous people in wax. Wax statues of famous people, so no wonder why I couldn’t wait to go there. When we got in to this big museum, a man in a red jacket met us, and he was going to be our guide. The first thing he did was to tell us who Madame Tussaud was. He told us that she had started the museum in 1835, and there are new wax models made all the time, from kings and queens to soccer players and Bollywood stars. And when they are making a model, they always take lots of pictures of the person they are going to “wax”.  When we were guided all around the museum, we could see a lot of popular people. And beside the statues there was written information about each statue. I was very fascinated about that amazing place. They even had a cafeteria with a lot of food to choose. We didn’t leave the place until we had seen all of the statues, and there were a lot of statues to see. My favourite wax model was Cristiano Ronaldo, one of the biggest soccer players in the world. It was just like seeing him in real. When we left the museum I was kind of sad, but I liked the idea of visiting the museum in future, to see new statues.

It was raining when we left, so we ordered a cab instead of taking the bus. I and dad took the cab to see the soccer match, and mom and my brother was going to see “Mamma Mia” the musical. I and dad had to take the subway to get to the stadium. It did take some time to figure out the system, but we got to the stadium before the match started. I’m not going talk so much about the match, but West Ham won 2-1. After the match my dad was so happy, so he bought me a lot of West Ham supporter stuff. Like clothes, t-shirts, bags, jackets and much more. He was like a maniac at the store. It was kind of embarrassing to take the subway home, with all the shopping bags, and when all was starring at you. When we got home, my mom and brother were sitting in the reception at the hotel, and we could see that they had been shopping to. So we went to the room, and I think that all were really tired, so there was no problem to sleep.

So now two out of three days are over, and I can’t wait until tomorrow.

Day 3

Today was our last day in London. I wanted to visit some of the streets Jack the Ripper had murdered the victims. So my plan for the day was to go to the Mitre Square. I wanted to take my mom with me, because I knew she has a little interest in the story about Jack too. So I and mom took a cab to Mitre Square, and the victim was Cathrine Eddowes who was found murdered in 1888. The street was very small, there were old houses, but also completely new houses, and it was a very quiet street. We walked around and I was very fascinated by the street, and we also saw where Cathrine was found. She was found in a dark corner in the south corner of the square. So this street was exposed for some off the worst murders in London’s history. After the sightseeing round, we took the cab back to the hotel, because we ad to pack our bags. Both dad and my brother had packed their bags, so we had to hurry.

Flag of EnglandAfter we were finished we ordered a cab, so we could go to the airport. At the airport there was a big English flag hanging over the main entrance. I came to think about what the flag means and stand for. So when I was starring at the flag, a British man walked up next to me, and started to explain what the flag meant. The flag contains of a red cross, also called the St George’s cross, with a white background. The red cross was the first known emblem representing England, during the Middle Age. Because the English crusaders were wearing the flag as a symbol to show were they where from. It achieved the status as the national flag during the sixteenth century. The man talked to me all the way to the security check, and I thanked him a lot for all the information he gave me. So now the vacation was over for this time, and I once again slept through the whole flight.



onsdag 22. september 2010


Soccer is a famous sport, even though people get injured, but people enjoy watching soccer. Many people use their money on soccer, and that's why the players make so much money. In addition, soccer is not only for men, but for women too. And therefore it has become a famous sport. And after all, it's a great sport you know!

tirsdag 21. september 2010


This is a good analyze, because it’s explains the themes in the story, and it’s telling us to “read between the lines”. First, it’s give us information about the text, who’s the author, what’s the name of the story ect.The analyze contains a plot, so we can read the short summary, and then its starts to explain the themes, and what point of view we read from.
It tells us why, and what the author wants with this story, and in the end the author writes a conclusion.
 I can learn how to write a good analyze, and what’s important when you’re analyzing a text or story. I can learn what the analyze needs to contain if it’s supposed to be good, and I can see how the setting is built up. 

10 linking word !
-          -After all
-          -First, second, third ….
-          -Therefore
-          -So that’s why
-          -Even though
-          -In addition
-          -Furthermore
-          -Then
-          -In contrast to
-          -As we just saw 

fredag 17. september 2010

English in my life : )

 I use English almost every day, and in different ways. I listen to English music, I watch English spoken movies and I’m surfing at the internet every day. We learn English at school, and it’s important to learn the language, because it’s a world spoken language, and it’s necessary if you want a good job.

tirsdag 14. september 2010

Markus Ydstie

Hello my followers! Here are some information about myself ;;

Name: Markus Blaasmo Ydstie
Age: 16 (13.03.1994)
Hobby: Football (Nidelv IL)
School: Thora Storm dpt. Adolf Øien vgs /m entrepenour
Favourite food: Taco and Pizza
Mindmap 1

Mindmap 2